Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
" of the wisest gifts we can give ourselves is to gently let go of our attachments. As we do so, we feel progressively lighter and freer. Without any fear of losing what we have, without being pushed and pulled by our inner likes and dislikes, we begin to find increased equanimity and genuine affection.
.....However, many people resist this concept. They believe that letting go of their attachments means letting go of the object or the person, and their lives will turn drab and gray..................Any fear about losing vibrancy in life likely comes from confusion between non-attachment and detachment. Many teachers speak of detachment as a form of self-protection, based on hidden fear. The woman who cannot find a lover might give up. A man who has been hurt many times might withdraw and never open his heart again. They lead a life of sadness, but they deny it, sometimes with clever rationalization.....
How do we tell the difference between non-attachment and detachment? This can be difficult. We check in with our thoughts and feelings regularly with unflinching honesty. Often, detachment leads to withdrawal. We become indifferent and lifeless. If we are alert, we will find a subtle negativity and judgement behind our detachment. Non-attachment is non-judgemental. The less we are pushed and pulled around by our exaggerated inner likes and dislikes, the more clearly we can see the world. This is tremendously freeing, and leads to increased compassion, tranquillity and lightness."
The practice of Equanimity
"Equanimity is the ground for wisdom and freedom and the protector of compassion and love. While some may think of equanimity as dry neutrality or cool aloofness, mature equanimity produces a radiance and warmth of being. The Buddha described a mind filled with Equanimity as 'abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility, and without ill-will'."-Gil Fronsdale
Riding the pendulum back and forth, being the witness to the drama, and practicing non-attachment, all require a sense of equanimity. As the seasons change, we are reminded of natures persistence and insistence on equanimity. The falling dead leaves, will soon be covered in snow, and eventually will be green and full of life on the branches all equals back out. In order to manage the inevitable changes of life, we have the gift of our yoga practice and the amazing tools that it offers us. First and foremost, we know how to breathe. The practice of proper, conscious breathing, especially noticeable in the ujjayi pranayama technique of vinyasa yoga, challenges us to breathe equally.
Sit in a quiet, still place, close your eyes and take notice of your breath. Relax your inner jaw, unclench your teeth, and leave your tongue soft in your mouth. Bring your awareness to the base of your neck, where your collarbones meet. As if sipping the breath through a straw right at the base of your throat, breath deeply in. Draw the breath straight into your throat...hear the sound of your soft, sweet breath. Allow the inhale to fill your rib cage, and extend into the spaces between your vertebra, rising to the crown of your head. Allow the exhale to be move straight out of the base of the throat....the sound, duration and quality of your exhale should match that of your inhale. Let the exhale ground your pelvis down, feeling a sense of rooting into the earth. Repeat this at least 10 times, keeping your focus on EQUANIMITY...equal length, pace, sound and intention of your inhale and exhale. At the end of 10 breaths, sit or lay quietly for a few minutes, allowing the pranayama practice to infuse your spirit.
May we all walk with greater ease in the world, allowing for joy and grace i our hearts as we ride the forever swinging pendulum of life, playing witness to the forever unfolding, gorgeous, divine lila. ~~om shanti om shanti om shanti~~
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
July Update
We hope you are all doing well and enjoying the sunny, warm weather (finally!!). Summer is a time of relaxation, fun and routine thrown out the window. However changes in the normal routine can sometimes cause anxiety and stress. Using your Yoga practice to ground you this month and help you to embrace change and find freedom from anxiety is a gift you can give yourself.
The pose of the month is Bharadvajasana; seated twist. This pose can help us find that grounding in the present this month. By entering slowly with intention and gradually coming deeper we can enjoy the journey of the pose, rather than rushing to the end. The seated twist helps to create flexibility and suppleness in the dorsal and lumbar regions of the spine. It also stretches the shoulders and hips, massages the abdominal organs and improves digestion. To find out more about this pose please check out our blog,
There are some schedule changes this month. For this week ONLY the Monday night class (6/29) will be held at Mary-ann’s house in Dobbs Ferry.
Again for this coming week ONLY Mary-ann’s Wednesday morning class (7/1) and Sunday morning class (7/5) are both cancelled.
There are some new classes that have been added as well. Our full schedules are as follows.
Mary-ann: Wed Morning 9:30-10:45am (her home studio)
Wed Evening 7:30-8:45pm (Yoga Works, Irvington)
Sat Morning 8:00-9:15am (Oasis Day Spa, Dobbs Ferry) (CANCELLED JULY 4th)
Sun Morning 9:30-11am (Pilates and More, Dobbs Ferry)
Allison: Tues Afternoon 4:30-5:45pm (Yoga Works, Irvington)
Wed Afternoon 12:30-1:45pm (Yoga Works, Irvington)
Thurs Morning 9:30-10:45am (Pilates and More, Dobbs Ferry)
Allison & Mary-ann alternate Monday night 8:30-9:45pm (28 Burnside Drive, Hastings)
We hope to see all of you soon!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May Class Schedule
28 burnside dr., hastings-on-hudson
NO CLASS 5/11, 5/25
wednesday: 9:30-10:45 am (home studio)
333 broadway, dobbs ferry
thursday: 9:30-10:45 am
pilates & more, 129 main st., dobbs ferry
sunday: 9:30-11:00 am
pilates & more, 129 main st., dobbs ferry
May Update
As summer approaches we may find that pull to take on too much, to break from the normal routine. While this can be wonderful and exciting it can cause us to lose focus on what we may need to do for ourselves mentally and physically. The pose of the month is another fundamental standing pose that can help us stay grounded; Parsvakanasana, both utthita (extended) and pavritta (revolve).
When practicing parsvakonasana (and any other asana, really), it is important to remember the true meaning of YOGA. Yoga, when translated literally means "union", and is generally further understood as the union of self with the Divine. Yoga can also be understood as the union of mind with body, of the physical with the mental, of steadiness with ease, of give with take, of push with pull, of strength with flexibility etc........Any opposing realities have a middle ground where yoga can be found.
All of life, really, is about striking a balance between opposing forces. All of life is about creating and finding our "yoga". It is only with an honest balance that we can transform and evolve, so that we can be present in the world to love the way we are meant to. From a place of balance, we can more easily embrace our life's work, and love from an authentic grace-filled spot inside. Only from a place of balance can we let go of duality, and know that we are love, we are grace, we are divine.
We are excited to be participating in the Yoga Journal Conference in Manhattan next weekend and are looking forward to sharing our exploration and learning with all of you.
There are some changes to the schedule for May. Firstly we have CANCELLED the Tuesday class moving forward. In addition, Sunday, May 17th class in CANCELLED as we will be attending the conference that weekend and Monday nights May 11th & May 25th classes are CANCELLED.
Please feel free to go to our blog ( for more detailed information on the pose of the month as well as schedule changes.
Thank you to all of your for letting us bring yoga to you. We feel truly blessed.
Om shanti
Allison & Mary-ann
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
April Update
Hi Friends,
As we begin to see new life blooming around us it is an aknowlegment of new beginnings, an opportunity to look deeper within ourselves and come back to our core, doing away with the old and uneccesary and rediscovering what truly makes us happy and grounded.
It is fitting that the pose of the month for April is Trikonasana (Uttita & Pavritta) because when practicing Trikonasana the focus is on standing firmly on your two feet, with the weight of your body evenly distributed between left and right. This is keeping you grounded. When we physically ground ourselves, and build our strength and balance from the ground up, our upper body becomes light and lifted, and more importantly, our mind becomes free. The work we do on our mats, most certainly carries over into our lives off the mat.
Trikonasana is one of the fundamental poses in any Yoga practce. Therefore you may notice a focus on returning to basics in our classes this month, this is by design in order to welcome in many new students as well as embracing the chance to explore deeper that which we feel we know to see if we can discover a bit more, possibly a new perspective, some "newness" shining through the old...a bit fitting for spring don't you think?
We will have a regular class schedule for sping break week. In addition, beginning this Easter Sunday; sunday class will be extended to a traditional yoga class length of 90 minutes. We hope you enjoy a few extra minutes of stretching, breathing and relaxing on your Sunday.
Please check out our blog for more information on Trikonasana. We are working to create an interactive resource so please feel free to comment, make suggestions; the blog is for all of us.
Thanks again for all of your support. We feel incredibly blessed for the opportunity to share yoga with all of you.
om shanti
Allison & Mary-ann
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March Update
We hope March is treating you well. With Spring finally approaching we have some exciting updates.
Firstly, we have created a blog where you can always go to get the most updated schedule and information about our classes. You can view it at Check it out and feel free to post comments/suggestions. We are always interested in your feedback.
If you check out our blog you will notice a new class added to our weekly schedule; Monday night 8:30-9:45pm at a home studio of one of our students (Thank you Amy). The address is 28 Burnside in Hastings. The rest of our classes are the same for the month; T, TH, Sun 9:30-10:45am at Pilates & More as well as Wed 9:30-10:45am at 333 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry.
Our pose of the month is Warrior 1. We will be giving out some handouts on the pose as well as working on it specifically throughout this month. Again, we are always open to suggestions. If you have a pose you want to explore more deeply please let us know. We are here for you so feel free to communicate with us via email, through our blog and of course, in person.
Also, please keep an eye out for our ads in the Hudson Rivertown Enterprise Newspaper!!
We are so grateful for all of you.
allison and mary-ann
March Class Schedule
Tuesday--9:30am-10:45am-- Pilates & More, 129 Main St., Dobbs Ferry NY
Wednesday--9:30am-10:45am-- 333 Broadway (Home Studio), Dobbs Ferry
Thursday--9:30am-10:45am-- Pilates & More, 129 Main St., Dobbs Ferry, NY
Sunday--9:30am-10:45am-- Pilates & More, 129 Main St., Dobbs Ferry, NY
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Below please view our current class schedule. Classes are all levels. We welcome beginners as well as experienced Yogis. First class is FREE. Feel free to contact us at with any questions.
Monday--8:30pm-9:45pm-- 28 Burnside Road (Home Studio), Hastings NY
Tuesday--9:30am-10:45am-- Pilates & More, 129 Main St., Dobbs Ferry NY
Wednesday--9:30am-10:45am-- 333 Broadway (Home Studio), Dobbs Ferry NY
Thursday--9:30am-10:45am-- Pilates & More, 129 Main St., Dobbs Ferry, NY
Sunday--9:30am-10:45am-- Pilates & More, 129 Main St., Dobbs Ferry, NY