Monday, April 6, 2009

April Update

Hi Friends,

As we begin to see new life blooming around us it is an aknowlegment of new beginnings, an opportunity to look deeper within ourselves and come back to our core, doing away with the old and uneccesary and rediscovering what truly makes us happy and grounded.

It is fitting that the pose of the month for April is Trikonasana (Uttita & Pavritta) because when practicing Trikonasana the focus is on standing firmly on your two feet, with the weight of your body evenly distributed between left and right. This is keeping you grounded. When we physically ground ourselves, and build our strength and balance from the ground up, our upper body becomes light and lifted, and more importantly, our mind becomes free. The work we do on our mats, most certainly carries over into our lives off the mat.

Trikonasana is one of the fundamental poses in any Yoga practce. Therefore you may notice a focus on returning to basics in our classes this month, this is by design in order to welcome in many new students as well as embracing the chance to explore deeper that which we feel we know to see if we can discover a bit more, possibly a new perspective, some "newness" shining through the old...a bit fitting for spring don't you think?

We will have a regular class schedule for sping break week. In addition, beginning this Easter Sunday; sunday class will be extended to a traditional yoga class length of 90 minutes. We hope you enjoy a few extra minutes of stretching, breathing and relaxing on your Sunday.

Please check out our blog for more information on Trikonasana. We are working to create an interactive resource so please feel free to comment, make suggestions; the blog is for all of us.

Thanks again for all of your support. We feel incredibly blessed for the opportunity to share yoga with all of you.

om shanti

Allison & Mary-ann

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary-ann,
    Great blog! I just read it for the first time. i also recently started a blog on blogspot about sleepaway camp (campoutmom). It's pretty cool, this blogging stuff! I look forward to reading more--i've been doing bikrum for the past 2 years and i can't imagine my life without it! Say hi to Andrew and the kids!
